Too Often Stress Can Trigger Alzheimer

Successive stress we experience in youth turns out to be a prolonged problem. According to the study, adults often experience stress will experience short term memory disorder in his old age.

The link between hormones and impaired short-term memory is revealed by researchers from the University of Iowa, USA. High cortisol levels would lead to declining memory skills.

Cortisol, the stress hormone, in the least amount of actual humans needed to survive. This will help us deal with a stressful situation, making us more alert and think fast. But, this hormone negative impact if the amount is too much.

When this hormone is continuously influence physically exist, including digestive disorders, anxiety, weight gain, or high blood pressure.

"The stress hormone is one of the causes of weathering on the brain. Like a rock in beachside years eroded and eventually disappear, "said Jason Radley, an Assistant Professor of Physiology at the University of Iowa.

In his research he found, an increase in cortisol levels will gradually eliminate the sinap (connective tissues) in the front part of the brain, the part of the brain that is the center of cognitive and responsible for short-term memory.

Along with increasing age, exposure to cortisol that keeps recurring and in the long term, this will cause the brain to constrict and sinap lost. As a result, the functions in any given will be reduced.

People who have experienced severe trauma, like the death of a family member, loss of spouse, or victims of abuse, are people who naturally have high levels of cortisol.
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