Fruit Skin That Also Beneficial For The Body

Fruit is a type of food that very beneficial for our body. Especially for the health of human organs. There are so many benefits of fruits that exist that we can use both for health and beauty as well as a drug for humans. However, make no mistake .. besides fruit flesh turns out, there are several types of fruits whose skin is also very useful for us. If we want to know more, here are some types of fruits whose skin can also be used for our health.

1. Mangosteen Skin

It is known, that the mangosteen rind is very beneficial for health. Mangosteen peel contains antioxidants that are beneficial to slow down the aging process, to prevent inflammation or inflammatory cause dangerous diseases such as heart disease and cancer. So mangosteen peel is very useful as medicines.

2. Banana Skin

Observers agree that the health of a banana skin contains more fiber than the flesh. In it too much potassium. Well Potassium is very beneficial to the human body.

3. Apple Skin

Apple skin turned out to contain a lot of vitamins and benefits for the human body. Where health experts claim that apple peel extract contains compounds called polyphenols. And the compound is an antioxidant that can reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease that often affects humans.

Well from the narrative above, we can know, that turns the skin of fruits which we dispose of it away, it can be beneficial to the health of our body.
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