Because of Drug Allergy

Drug allergy can occur in individuals who have an abnormal immune response to a drug that is used to control the symptoms of a disease, or medical condition to overcome overall. There are many free or sold drugs with the prescription that can lead to allergies. In addition, too many people don't realize that they can have an allergic reaction to a drug that even though previously they had never experienced it. In this guide, you will learn about the basics of allergy symptoms obati, as well as symptoms that indicate a State of health emergency.

Definition Of Drug Allergy

An allergic reaction is the immune system response against a substance that is not yet known by the body. The immune system tries to fight off this foreign object to trigger the release of antibodies and histamine into the body.

Drug allergies immunological reaction that is triggered by the drugs, which the reaction is quite different with the profile farmakodinamiknya. The term allergy medications are sometimes also called hypersensitivity to the drug.
Type Of Allergy Medicine

There are many different types of allergy medications but in general there are two types:

a) Humoral, These types are further divided into type I, type II and type III based on the type of cell involved.
b) Cellular

Drug Allergy Symptoms

Drug allergy can occur soon after the drug was taken. But in some people, symptoms can appear several weeks after taking medication on a regular basis. The following are symptoms associated with this type of reaction:

-A rash may appear on the skin.
-Swelling in the throat, face, and even in the mouth
-Fever can also appear in some people.
-In General, the problem comes when there are complaints of itching.
-Dizziness can also appear.

Allergic Emergency Medications

Certain symptoms a person may experience as a result of an allergy drug that shows the State of emergency. The following symptoms indicate a potentially life-threatening situations that can occur:

-Channel breather begins to feel cramped (difficulty in breathing) – this is usually in the area of the throat.
-Relatiif pulse faster.
-Severe Dizziness.
Rare things are dizziness and then actually lost consciousness.
-Nausea and vomiting moderate to heavy can probably happen.

Allergy Medication Drug

a) treatment, first and foremost Thing is to consult your doctor, your doctor will determine 2 things: the first is an allergen and the second is the cause of the allergy. Then if there is an allergic reaction, the doctor will provide treatment to reduce or eliminate symptoms and complaints.
b) prevention, the best prevention is to avoid the Way medication ever cause allergies.
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